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Corpus Christi Wading Weekend

Wader Dave

My oldest son and I took a spur of the moment trip to Corpus Christi this past weekend. I've waded Baffin Bay and Copano Bay with guides as a guest at Baffin Bay Rod & Gun and Redfish Lodge but have always wanted to explore the area on my own. With the help of Google Earth, The Weather Channel, Salt Strong Fishing Reports and Nautide (my new favorite tide app), I was able to identify areas that were likely to be productive under the expected conditions. Of the dozen spots that looked promising, we were able to fish seven, of which three were home runs, one was a double , two were singles and one was a strikeout. All and all, a nice trip considering I've never fished these areas.

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Dec 05, 2018

great photos. that looks like an amazing trip. i will add that to my bucket list of fishing destinations to try.

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