A couple of early cold fronts have brought schools of big winter trout inshore earlier than I've seen for several years. they've been holding in their usual spots. Shallow Areas with a hard sand, gravel or shell bottom, near spoil islands, inside of barrier islands and shorelines
that are adjacent to deeper grass flats with good tidal flow. I especially like the afternoon highs that allow the trout to get very shallow as the water warms up throughout the day. they will hit just about any plastic and jig combination you throw at them. My favorites include the mirrolure Lil John in Golden Bream, Glow and Electric Chicken or a Zman Trout TRick in any color, rigged on a 1/8 or 1/4 oz lead head jig. Hopefully the bite will remain strong through April when they usually start heading to wherever they go in the summer.